Pater Ferdinandus Tuhujati Setyoadi, S.J.

Kepala SMA Kolese Loyola

As a school, SMA Kolese Loyola strives to educate its students to sincerely live up to the principle of competence, conscience, compassion, and commitment for the greater glory of God. We offer educational opportunities which assist the students to be fully grown persons (mind, body and spirit) in a sense of personal relationship and togetherness.

In the educational process, we insist on demonstrating individual care and concern for each student, respecting the responsible freedom and listening to students’ problems and confusion about life’s meaning. The students’ active engagement will bring a positive stage to support their growth.

We also attempt to evoke a joy in learning and a desire to learn. Our education includes formation in value, in attitude and in an ability to evaluate criteria. Here, education takes place in a moral context: knowledge is joined to virtue. AMDG.


Organisation & Activity


Years Established

Bursa Informasi Pendidikan Tinggi (BIDikTi)
SMA Kolese Loyola
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O n l i n e    L i b r a r y
SMA Kolese Loyola
( Klik Disini )

SMA Kolese Loyola

Educating Leaders of


Competence – Conscience – Compassion – Commitment


SMA Kolese Loyola
Educating Leaders of







News update

Curriculum Update


our achievements

our facility

Gedung dan Lingkungan

Loyola Student Center

Lapangan Sepak Bola

Sport Center – Edmund Campion

Laboratorium Kimia

Laboratorium Biologi

Laboratorium Fisika

Laboratorium Komputer

Ruang Kelas

Aula Belarminus

Loker Penyimpanan

Lapangan Parkir

Ruang Cinema

Lobi Utama

Kapel Loyola

Ruang Ekspresi

Gamelan Soepra

Wall Climbing

Outdoor LSC

Kantin Faber

Taman Faber

Taman Xaverius

Kantin Markus Lt 1

Kantin Markus Lt 2

Hidroponik Corner



Jalan Karanganyar 37 Semarang 50135, Indonesia

(024) 3546945 / 3548431

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